Friday, August 22, 2014

Goooodmorrrning Plano

Here's another  video of him and this time he is ready to run a marathon. 

In other news...
Ok... so I get to do what I love soon. Write, shoot, act and edit a short video for my friend that needs it for a bible study. She asked me to help her since she knew I was in the journalism business. So I wrote a small script and we are filming on Monday morning. We'll see how this goes having a 3 month old with me. I am also supposed to get my MAC computer today and it would be awesome to edit the video for her as well. I can't believe how busy I felt in the last few days. First having to record the song for Craig and now this bible study video. The title of this blog goes along with the video. We are doing an Extreme Makeover: Plastic Surgery Edition. If you ever watched the Extreme Makeover Home Edition he always goes up to the house and uses a megaphone and says Gooooodmooorning (insert name here) family. Then they come running out screaming like they had NO idea they were picked. haha
Our theme is obvious...you can have any plastic surgery that you want and it's all paid for. You can see where this is going. All of us girls in the Lifegroup are going to be in it. Well.. the ones who have kids and stay home during the day. We will see how easy it will be. There will be two babies, a one year old and two toddlers. Yikes!! All in good fun.

Look at Micah in this picture!! Got a big head going on. He is super smart, so that's prolly why! You can also see his widows peak (is that how you spell that?) Definitely takes after Craig in that way.

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