Thursday, April 10, 2014

Touched the stars and now ready to reach for the moon

Ok, So I'm not good and sticking to something. I'm actually really bad at it. I started a blog almost four years ago now and only wrote in it a few times. That's really sad. But.. HEY I'm Back. This time I'm writing for my family and friends. Let me first go back and tell you in a nutshell the past four years.

My first job was in Kentucky at WPSD for about 11 months(2010). I was a producer/editor there (which they liked to call us Preditor's) and was able to learn a lot. The executive producer started to let me report on stories on the weekend during my own time. They would even air my stories on the weekend shows. It was so awesome to have that opportunity. All I ever wanted was to be on TV.  I spruced up my resume reel with those stories and landed a job in Bryan, TX as a Anchor/Producer.

Now the reason I wanted to go to Texas was because of my husband. He decided he wanted to get his Master's in business. I'm going to cut out all the tough situations and problems we went through to actually move in together, but once it happened it was amazing. I was working at KRHD-TV and he was going to school at Texas A&M.
After about 8 months of Anchoring I switched over to a one man band reporter. I know this sounds like a worse position, but it's actually what I wanted. I was out and about covering stories from City Council to shootings. Some days were very hard and some days were exciting. I loved my job. Telling other people's stories whether it was helping a cause or remembering a loved one. I got to know the BCS (Bryan/College Station) area very well.

Craig and I were still living very far from both our families in the Chicago area. In December of 2012 Craig graduated from Texas A&M and got a job with AT&T in the Leadership Development Program. This new job would require him to move around for the next 2 years doing different jobs in the company. We got to choose our first location and went back home to Chicago.
At this time I knew I couldn't get another job in the news business, since we were going to leave in less than a year, but I still had aspirations of doing what I love. We found a church in Des Plaines called The Bridge Community Church. At first I started volunteering to help with their video production and after many hours of volunteering they finally decided to put me on staff. It was awesome. Probably the best job I've ever had. Surrounded by Godly people who appreciate everything you do. Every work place should be that nice. My job was to record the "What's Happening" video every week and shoot and edit testimonies. I also was the Worship Assistant and sang in the band on the weekends. It was a busy year. I had a blast. The best part about 2013 was Craig and I found out we were about to embark on a whole new journey... A BABY.

We found out in October of 2013 that we were pregnant and new we would only be in Chicago until February of 2014. It was exciting, but a tough situation to leave our family in the midst of my pregnancy.
Craig got transferred to Plano, TX to work at ATT's Emerging Marketing Business. At 29 weeks pregnant we moved away from our family, our friends and our new church home The Bridge. It was very sad and I'm still trying to cope with all that has happened. Now it's almost Easter and I am due on May 25th.
So now I am going to be a full-time mom. I'm so excited about my new position, and nervous. Since I am so far away from my family I thought I would start this blog and make it all about our new addition - Micah Neal Hooker. He will be here soon and we will both be learning new things about each other everyday.
So this blog will now be about my career as a mother. I hope to post videos and pictures of lil Micah and our family adventures. This way we can all feel connected in a different way. And don't hesitate to post a comment here or there and tell me what's on your mind.
It will be very quiet around here for the next few weeks, but soon I might be posting blogs at 3 a.m. in the morning! Micah is moving a lot these days and pushing me in all different directions (signs of things to come I think). He looks a lot like me from the ultrasound photo's so hopefully he's a cutie :)
Here's to a new journey to have fun and enjoy my new job as a mommy.

Love you all!!

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